DANCE CLASS ONLINE - Break-dance School Lessons

Divya dance school in India offers regular training classes for learning Break dance and online Break dance lessons on skype for the convenience of the dancing students all over the world. Divya school of dance is promoted by the top music and dance school in India - Divya music sangeet vidhyalaya, as the best dance education center in India conducting dance hobby courses, certificate, diploma, graduation, master’s and doctorate level college / university courses in dancing.
The famous senior Break dance instructors teaching Break popular global dance at Divya school of dance teach the art and technique of Break dancing form to the dance students in a non – competitive, dedicated and disciplined manner. The Break dancing steps, Break dance hand gestures, gross bodily dance movements, variable active rhythm based on song lyrics and music, Break dance styles, Break dancing postures and Break dance moves – are all the very important in learning the Indian Break dance style which one of the world’s most popular dance and a liberal mixture of all the global dance styles – Indian classical dances, folk dance styles and western dance forms.
Break dance courses: Regular Break dance classes available at Divya dance school centers in India is – Break dancing hobby lessons.
Online dance courses – Break dance online lessons: available with DM Live Core Divya dance school online classes on skype in Break dancing style is – Break dance hobby online class lessons. The Break online dance classes by DM Live Core can impart the initial beginner level dance training in its own unique way and help a young, fresher Break dance style learner to understand and practice the basics of Break dance form during the short term hobby lessons online useful for a broader global audience.
Advantages of online dance class lessons - Click
Break dance education and training with Divya Music: The highly experienced Break dancers, qualified Break dancing instructors, Break dance talent training experts – the kids, children and adult Break dancing trainers, Break dancing Gurus, female Break dance teachers and noted Break dance choreographers - dancing training experts at Divya school of dance teach the energetic and lively art and technique of perfect Break dancing. The famed, awarded and renowned Indian Break dance groups and Break dancing teachers faculty at Divya Break dance school provide the quality dance training with short term hobby courses.
Divya school of dance offers Indian classical dance lessons online, Indian folk dance lessons online, Popular dance styles dancing classes online, and Global / Western dance lessons online. Flexible online dancing class schedules for global dance students & non-resident Indians (NRI) living in USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, South Africa, Mauritius, Kenya, Fiji, Philippines, New Zealand, Netherlands, Thailand & other countries in Europe, Africa, Asia, Middle East & South America.
In addition to the Break Global popular dance classes, Divya dance school center regular popular dance courses: available at Divya dancing schools in India are in following global popular dance styles :
Slimming fitness dance lessons, Rajasthan Gypsy folk tribal dancing classes, Rock n roll dance learning lessons, Bollywood dance classes, Freestyle dance class lessons.
DM Live Core online dance courses - lessons on skype : available with Divya dance schools in India online classes are in following Global popular dance styles :
Slimming fitness dancing classes online, Rock n Roll dance lessons online, Freestyle dancing classes online, Bollywood dance online web lessons, Rajasthan Gypsy tribal folk dance classes online.
Break Dance Classes - Regular and Online Courses & Fees
For details on dance classes fees schedule (Individual and Group Classes) click.
Hobby classes for All
Duration : 3 months / Unlimited.
Batches New batch starts in every week.
Classes Available in :Popular Dance Style - Break Dancing
1 to 3 classes / week of 30 minutes Duration each
The regular dance learning courses fee schedule mentioned above is applicable only for the regular classes at all the Divya Music franchise centers in 6 metro cities only - New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Bangalore and Hyderabad. The music and dance courses fee at Divya Music franchise in other cities, towns and urban / suburban areas are variable and as prescribed by the Divya Music franchises individually.
You are welcome to contact Dance Class Online at :