Learn Indian Classical Dances Online
Divya Music, since 2012, conducts the online dance lessons to learn Indian classical dance styles (Shastriya Nritya) through real-time Bharatnatyam classes online, Kathak classes online, Odissi lessons online, Manipuri classes online, Kuchipudi lessons online and Mohiniyattam classes online.
Learn Indian Folk Dances Online
Divya Music presents DM Live Core, the online dancing lessons to learn Indian folk dances, the simple dances performed to express joy and celebration. Bhangra dance lessons online, Garba dance classes online, Raas Dandiya dance lessons online, Gidda classes online and Bihu lessons online.
Learn Global / Western Dances Online
Divya Music presents DM Live Core, the online dancing classes to learn traditional and modern Global Dance styles - Salsa lessons online, Belly dance classes online, Hip-Hop lessons online, Fitness dance classes online, Jazz dancing lessons online, Swing, Tap and Partner dance lessons online.
Since 2012, Divya Music offers online certificate courses
and online short term hobby courses in dance especially conceived
for the kids, children, young adults, school, college and
university students. Online dance lessons are for people of all
age groups interested in learning dance online.
DM Live Core online dance classes aims at helping a new learner
to understand and practice the basics of the popular dance styles through
live dancing lessons, real-time, interactive, one on one online
dance sessions with the best dance teachers, top dance instructors, famous
dance gurus.
Bollywood dance is a mixture of numerous dance styles including
belly-dancing, Indian classical, Indian folk, Western popular, modern,
jazz and others in Indian movies.
Divya Music DM Live Core online dance classes offer Bollywood movies
dancing lessons to learn Bollywood films dances choreographed with
popular movie songs
Divya Music DM Live Core online dance classes offer Television dance reality shows preparation lessons and dance competition preparation training classes. The expert presentation tips and training on solo dancing and group dancing performance is offered with assessment of the dancing skills by the online judges.
Divya Music conducts regular dance classes at the affiliated dance schools in all the major cities in India with Certificate, Diploma, Bachelor / Masters degree and doctorate courses in Indian classical dances / folk dances and Western / Global dances being offered. Online dance courses include Certificate and hobby courses only.
Copyright © - Dance Class Online | Divya Music | Sangeet Vidhyalaya | Music School India | Music Class Online | MusicLessonsOnline | Vadya